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Maybe or if perchance there perhaps is a may be that can be conceivable by could be or conceivably be a credible and feasible or an imaginably. And if it could then be or might be that if so for all one knows.

Not being sure and trying to indulge myself in that condition, and not to see doubt as a negative factor but as a tool to create space to question normalized behavior. Both factors are the foundation on which I build my artistic practice. Maybe it is a counter-reaction to the current time where being outstanding, making an impact, functionality, and productiveness is seen as important. What does it mean to not strive for those values? My work normally doesn’t manifest in just one specific medium; it consists of a combination of all sorts of materials and forms. Sculpture, performance and text are tools that I commonly use to interact with the audience. For instance, the sculptures I make consist mostly out of used objects and are continuously rearranged in different forms. They are in a constant state of doubt and trying not to be functional or outstanding.
